Over 140 SECRC Brothers and Sisters and their families from across North Carolina joined together for a Family Fun Day and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Rally at the Charlotte Training Center and Local 312 offices.
A perfect Fall day set the background for lots of kids activities and treats, such as bouncy houses, face painting, and snow cones and popcorn. Local 1554 Business Manager William Gunny Condon and his wife, Jennifer hosted a temporary spray tattoos booth for the kids, which were such a hit that parents participated!
Three North Carolina Carpenter-supported candidates also attended: Braxton Winston, a candidate for NC Labor Commissioner; Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC 12th District); and Josh Stein, candidate for NC Governor.
UBC General Vice President Tom Flynn and Southern District Vice President Jason Engels also attended and provided outstanding remarks to the audience. Additional speakers were Tom Jenkins, EST of the SECRC, and Brett Hulme, SECRC Political Director. Leadership from our sister councils in the Southern District attended in support of the event: Florida Councils EST James Banks, and Political Director Frank DAngelo, and Central South Councils EST, Kavin Griffin. The Southeastern Training Trust Fund Director, Mark Brown, and the Mid-South Training Trust Director, Rickey Moore, also attended to support the event.
We are pleased that our first GOTV event in North Carolina was such a success, said EST Jenkins. Our members turned out to have a great time in fellowship with other brothers and sisters, and to stay informed regarding the North Carolina elections.