Southeastern Carpenters



SECRC volunteers at the Warnock Runoff GOTV Atlanta rally: Daniel Hicks, Lloyd Hicks, Bo Garrett, Rigo Davila, Brett A Hulme, & Vincente Rumbo

Carpenters Across the Council Join Together to Support Carpenter-Friendly Candidates

A sincere thank you to the many members who volunteered to help the SECRC support union carpenter-friendly candidates in the recent elections. We scored important victories and suffered defeats in each state, but the important point is the amount of teamwork displayed by our 212 Journeymen, 300-Hitters, 3rd Year Apprentices, Sisters in the Brotherhood, rank and file members and staff volunteers.


The UBC identified Georgia as a targeted state and the SECRC delivered. For the general election, 102 volunteers stuffed envelopes, worked the phone banks, and canvassed more than 700 doors in Atlanta, Augusta & Savannah with the Georgia AFL-CIO. For the runoff election, 114 volunteers continued the envelope stuffing and phone banking, and then canvassed again in Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Rome, and Brunswick to more than 1200 union member doors.


$250 winners LU283's Jessica Tollison & Charles Hodge

The SECRC volunteer reward system was also in full swing, and Political Director Brett Hulme delivered gift cards of $100 and $250 to several members who logged the required number of activities to qualify for the reward.

A special congrats to our $250 gift card winners, Local 283’s Jessica Tollison and Charles Hodge.

Congratulations to $100 gift card winners:

Tammy Tatum and Lamel Diggs, Local 225;

Sean Pressburg, Local 256;

Charles Hodge, John Naas, Jessica Tollison and Christina Herrera, Local 283.


Thank you to every SECRC member who give their time and talents to our political activity. You really made a difference!

Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council Service Area

Representing thousands of union carpenters and millwrights in 13 Local Unions who work and live in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the Florida Panhandle.