Southeastern Carpenters



Local 50 Celebrates 40- and 50-year members

Carpenters Local 50 has a long history of success, largely because of the dedicated brothers and sisters who worked the majority of their lives as union carpenters in the heart of Tennessee and anywhere else the job called for. Their efforts were recently honored at a Service Pin Ceremony led by Tommy (Caleb) Justice, President of Local 50, Business Manager Billy McCall, and the Officers of Local 50.
Those in this picture are all 40- or 50-year members! They are (seated, left to right) Thomas Sims, Roy Harber, Darrell Raley, Gary Perry, Kenneth Hill, John Floatman, David England, and Michael Brown. (standing, left to right): Michael Kimerlin, Freddie Copper, Boyce McCall, David Stapleton, Charles “Danny” Maples, Douglas Holman, David Tharp, Jere Smith, Charles Grizzle, Larry Rosenbalm, and Randal Lloys.
Well done, everyone!

Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council Service Area

Representing thousands of union carpenters and millwrights in 13 Local Unions who work and live in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the Florida Panhandle.