Southeastern Carpenters



Je Ann Will (left) and Michelle Taylor (right)

SIBs Represent at Key Women in Construction Event

Michelle Taylor from Pelham, Alabama’s Local 318 and SECRC Sisters in the Brotherhood (SIB) Director Je Ann Will recently represented the Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council (SECRC) at a key Women in Construction event.

Michelle and Je Ann hosted an information table at the Moore Community House Women in Construction Resource and Employer Fair in Biloxi, Mississippi. The organization’s Women in Construction program trains women for careers in construction and advanced manufacturing, meeting the needs of families and industry demands.

They spoke with attendees about the benefits for women who choose careers as union carpenters, millwrights, or piledrivers. They also discussed how the SIB program helps female craftswomen create and maintain a successful career and an excellent quality of life for themselves and their families.

“Je Ann and Michelle are great ambassadors for the Council as successful union craftswomen and as key SIB members. Their presence at this event - like many others that our Sisters attend - allows us to speak with women who may otherwise not know about the excellent career they can have by joining us,” said SECRC Executive Secretary-Treasurer Tom Jenkins.

Get to know the SECRC SIB program at, or join our public SECRC SIB page on Facebook at

Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council Service Area

Representing thousands of union carpenters and millwrights in 13 Local Unions who work and live in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the Florida Panhandle.